Some children do over come autism, My son is a good example, but he will always be autistic until there is a cure. In this blog I plan to show a history of him and maybe write a book. I always wanted to write about his condition but never did because I wanted to protect him from being stereo typed. But a few years back he himself realized he was different and we told him about his autism. This has set off a chain reaction of his understanding on the subject. within minutes he was googling the autism word learning this is why he does routines. Now he doesn't need my protection, he is his own man, he is his best own advocate. At fourteen he is just like any other teenager, just a little more complicated. We were arguing one day, I told him he was a know it all. Then he replied honestly " If I knew it all I would be able to fix my autism, but I can't so therefore I can't know everything". Click on the Link below for more Information
One in 10 children with autism overcome condition by age nine, study finds